Rob Green

App Defaults

I’ve been deliberating what my first post on here should be about – The recent trend of sharing ‘app defaults’ feels as good a topic as any to get the ball rolling!

I usually take a look through the apps I use in the New Year anyway, and the Christmas Break always works as a decent ‘reset’ – It gives me headspace to properly consider (and reconsider) what apps I should/could be using as my daily drivers.

Without further ado:

📨 Mail Clients/Service

📝 Notes

✅ To-Do

📷 Photo Shooting

🟦 Photos Management & Editing

📆 Calendar

📅 Calendar Backend

📁 Cloud File Storage


🙍🏻‍♂️ Contacts Management

🔎 Browser

💬 Chat

🔖 Bookmarks

📑 Read-it-Later

📜 Word Processing

🛒 Shopping List

🍴 Meal Planning

💰 Budgeting and Finance

📰 News


🎵 Music

🎤 Podcast

🔐 Password Management


#apps #software